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Medical Administration Training is a Recognised Training Organisation that delivers a range of accredited qualifications under the Traineeship scheme.

We provide quality and reputable training services that are endorsed by the Australian Skills Quality Authority and provide support and mentoring throughout the training period.

What is a Traineeship

A traineeship is a formal agreement made between the trainee, the employer, and the Supervising Registered Training Organisation (SRTO). All parties entering into the traineeship are required to sign a formal training contract (where the trainee is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must also sign as a party). A traineeship consists of a combination of training and paid employment, under the National Training Wage.

Please note: Existing Worker traineeships do not affect an employee’s current salary or employment conditions during the course of the traineeship.

What are the benefits of traineeships to an employer?

A Traineeship allows the employee to gain a nationally recognised qualification by combining employment and training.

A traineeship can also be of value to the employer as often trainees are more motivated and invested in their position throughout the traineeship as they gain new skills and put their knowledge into practice.

Businesses may be eligible for a range of financial incentives from the Australian Government when they take on an eligible Australian apprentice or trainee.

Who is eligible for a traineeship?

A trainee must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident and meet basic criteria. The Child Employment Act states that the minimum age for apprentices and trainees is 13 years of age, unless otherwise stated. Contact your Australian Apprenticeship Support Service (AASS) to find out more.

Qualifications and pricing
What are my responsibilies as an Employer?

As an employer of trainees, you have certain roles and obligations to fulfil under the training contract. Once a training contract is in place, you are obliged to report any circumstances that may affect your training obligations, such as significant training delays, dissolution of your business or dismissal of your trainee.

At the beginning of the traineeship, you will:

  • Arrange the registration of a training contract with the assistance of an Australian Apprenticeship Support Service (AASS) provider and take all reasonable steps to:
    • have the training contract signed by you and your trainee within 14 days of the start of the traineeship
    • give the signed training contract to the AASS provider within 28 days of the start of the traineeship.
    • Choose a training organisation to provide training and assessment to the trainee.
    • Pay the course fee and
    • Negotiate and sign a training plan with the trainee and the supervising registered training organisation within 14 days of the start of the traineeship.
How to get started

To get started, contact us to discuss our traineeship courses. Call 1300 887 082 to speak with our Traineeship Team or email info@medtrain.com.au to set up an appointment.

You will also need to organise an Australian Apprenticeship Support Service (AASS) Provider, you can find your State or Territory providers here: https://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/search-aasn