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Government Funded Courses

Queensland State Government Funding

Under the VET Investment plan, the government is focused on investing in skills that align with real job opportunities both now and into the future, boosting the skills of our existing workforce and creating more opportunities for those needing additional skills to compete for employment.

The VET Investment Skills Assure plan provides eligible Queenslanders with access to government subsidised training in Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma level priority training areas. Employment status does not matter, you can obtain funding and do one of our courses if you are a school leaver, mature aged, job seeker or working.

With one of Medical Administration Training’s courses there’s never been a better opportunity to become qualified and advance your career, re-enter the workforce, or even retrain and take your career in an exciting new direction.

Queensland Funding



South Australian State Government Funding

Workready is a South Australian government initiative that contributes funding to the cost of many accredited courses. Before being enrolled in a government subsidised training place, students will need to meet course entry requirements and verify their eligibility for enrolment. You can do that on our South Australia funding page.

South Australia Funding